Below you will find the PDF file describing the final project.

Due date: 13.1.2016

You are expected to have presented your project by the 13th of January. The available presentation time slots will be announced through the PORTAL system.

Download the assignment description 2016_MS2_FinalProject.pdf .

Download your dataset here:

  1. YearData_01.mat | Czech group
  2. YearData_02.mat | German group

Download the simulator files here:


Instructions on how to execute a single run of the simulator are in the assignment handout. The simulator is missing the following FSA files that you will have to provide:

  1. T_6sup - the tap changer supervisor automata
  2. T_switch - the tap changer automata
  3. T_sensor - the voltage sensor automata
  4. T_timer - the tap changer timer automata